Help Us Grow

If you own land (20 acres or more), are not currently using or would like to diversify your land/agricultural use, we would love to hear from you! We are always on the look out for land to lease for our grazing operation as we grow our business.

Diversification is just as an important part of a land owner’s portfolio as it is a part of any other investment portfolio. Our holistic methods of using animal behavior and movement to manage land result in many wonderful environmental, community, and health benefits including but not limited to:

  1. Improved soil fertility (We grow earthworms!)
  2. Restoration of native grassland (excellent for deer, birds and other wildlife)
  3. Drought resistance
  4. Erosion control (decreased runoff and topsoil degradation)
  5. No chemical fertilizers or herbicides necessary
  6. Clear unwanted brush and/or invasive species
  7. Complement the landscape (no mechanical spreading of manure, the animals do it themselves!)
  8. Nutrient dense, chemical free food for you and your family!

We are fully insured and handle all raising and management of animals. Please contact us if you would like more information.  Thank you!